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Which version of Blender is supported?

We can ensure that this add-on will work on the latest stable versions, which are the ones named as Long Term Support (LTS). Although it may work in newer versions as well, we can't guarantee that it will work stably so if you decide to use it, save your work and use it at your own risk.


1 - Why the import button is not working?

This could be for two reasons:

  1. You may be using iOS
    1. You can import it like in the previous 1.0.0 version (by using Blender's append tool as shown in this video tutorial) or by simply copying and pasting the test object (fire hydrant) into your scene project that you can find in the given "Test scene" blend file. After doing so, you should be able to use the SW add-on buttons as the node will automatically be detected by the add-on.
  2. You have already imported the SW node in your scene.
    1. In case modified the original node and you want to restore it you will need to remove the node completely from the scene and import it again. Check the Import section of the "Add-on" page to know more about how to do this.

2 - Why my material is showing black?

This can be caused because a heavy setup is used as a base shader or there is more than 1 "Smart Weathering" node connected in your shader setup.

We recommend keeping the setup as simple as possible. For instance, a PBR setup + Smart Weathering would be ideal.