- You will find the parameters listed considering 2 criteria:
- At the top, you will find the most likely to be used
- The bottom ones are the “last layer of effects” which means that the ones at the bottom will affect previously applied effects
- All the inputs try to be self-explanatory with their respective name labels and represent the purpose for which they were created.
- Most of the sliders are meant to be controlled by just sliding them, but you can add custom maps in certain ones to control them (like the “Scratches Color”, or the “Custom Effect Map”).
- Some of them will work as a toggle!
- All the different effects have a main slider that will gradually make the effect appear while you move it.
- Also, the best way to use the Main sliders of each effect (just the first ones that make the effect appear) is by either setting them as 0 or 1. Numbers in between make Blender overload its computing process and will probably lead to a black material. Reserve in-between values for the effects that essentially need it.
- The maximum power of each effect is reached once this main slider reaches “1”. It will not be shown if you set it to “0”. Aside from this, each effect has a sub-slider for you to fine-tune the effect.
- You can enable multiple effects at the same time and their stack order is determined by their order of appearance. The ones at the bottom are the last layers to be applied.